Why is ECE important for Milwaukee?

In honor of Week of the Young Child, we asked leaders and educators across the city why high-quality early childhood education (ECE) matters for Milwaukee. Their responses highlight the multifaceted benefits of ECE and the amazing impact it has on our city.

“I want everyone to know that early childhood education is an urgent educational, economic and moral imperative for our community,” said JoAnne Anton, president and CEO of Herb Kohl Philanthropies.

Tamara Johnson of Malaika Early Learning Center agreed, explaining that ECE is the highest return on anyone’s investment. Not only does it help strengthen the city’s workforce and economy, but it sets young children up for a lifetime of success.

“Enriching experiences from birth through age 5 ensure children enter kindergarten eager and prepared to learn, promoting a lifelong love of learning,” said Bill Pariso, vice president of education at the Betty Brinn Children’s Museum.

Sam Ginkel, an art teacher at Notre Dame School of Milwaukee, has seen these benefits firsthand. “ECE is so important for me, especially as a teacher who sees across different grade levels,” he shared. “The amount of growth I see in students who come from ECE - who were here from K3, K4 and K5 and are now entering first grade - the amount of strength they have and behavioral skills that they've mastered and those social emotional skills. They know how to self-regulate. They know how to behave. There has been so much growth in these students, and it's amazing to see.”

Fellow educator Allison Peterson, who teaches at Milwaukee College Prep, explained, “A high-quality ECE program is a place where children can express their natural curiosity about the world around them and can develop skills in order to interact with their world positively and with confidence.”

Despite the many benefits of ECE, the sector is still struggling. Lack of funding and high teacher turnover has led to closed classrooms, reduced hours and even shuttered programs.

Holly Tassone, director of compliance at Notre Dame School of Milwaukee, illustrated why this situation is so serious - and why Milwaukee leaders should stand up and take notice. “Without affordable, high-quality ECE programing, our families suffer, our workforce suffers, and most importantly, our children are cheated out of a strong foundational start.”

These missives from advocates around the city highlighted just how important ECE is for our community. Each message ended with a common call for action: Join us in supporting high-quality ECE programming in Milwaukee.


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