Cradle to Career Indicators
As a cradle-to-career partnership in the StriveTogether network, we share city- and state-wide data to track community progress and to provide a picture of the educational landscape in Milwaukee. The cradle-to-career indicators include early childhood education, third grade reading, eighth grade math, high school completion, postsecondary enrollment and completion, and employment.
Third Grade Reading
Eighth Grade Math
Postsecondary Enrollment
Postsecondary Completion
Unemployment and Poverty
The following data sources were used in the dashboards:
Third Grade Reading, Eighth Grade Math: Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction (DPI), custom report, 2020. Data for "All Students" includes results for public, charter, and choice students. The disaggregated data by race/ethnicity, disability, economic status, ELL status, and gender includes only public and charter students in Milwaukee. The denominators for all calculations include students from all racial groups: American Indian, Asian, Black, Latinx, Pacific Isle, and Two or More, and White. However, where data is not displayed for any group on any given indicator, it means that data were redacted, per DPI’s protocols to protect student identity.
Postsecondary Enrollment, Postsecondary Completion: Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction (DPI), custom report, 2021. Data includes results for public and charter students only. The denominators for all calculations include students from all racial groups: American Indian, Asian, Black, Latinx, Pacific Isle, and Two or More, and White. However, where data is not displayed for any group on any given indicator, it means that data were redacted, per DPI’s protocols to protect student identity.
Other Resources: For all information on how indicators are measured, please visit the data pages of the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction (DPI) website. The Annie E. Casey Foundation Kids Count Data Book Interactive – tracks overall child well-being along four domains. The National Equity Atlas – America's most detailed report card on racial and economic equity. Create your own data visuals and dashboards at the Racial Equity Data Lab.