Milwaukee Considers Federal Aid Proposal to Support ECE


The Milwaukee Common Council has over $1 billion in ideas for utilizing the latest round of federal pandemic aid - but only $179 million to spend. According to Ald. Michael Murphy, who chairs the Finance and Personnel Committee, that means the city will be prioritizing proposals that serve as a long-term investment in the city or help to sustain the city’s ability to provide essential services. A $13.3 million ECE proposal would do both of those things.

"Without staff, Milwaukee's childcare programs cannot provide care and education to the families who need it, and without access to childcare, Milwaukee's parents of young children can't participate fully in the workforce and in the city's economy," says Daria Hall, Milwaukee Succeeds' early childhood education director.

The ECE proposal would help bolster the sector, providing stipends for programs and educators, increasing access to affordable housing for providers and increasing participation of men of color in the ECE workforce.

All 82 proposals will be taken up on October 15 at 9 a.m., with the Finance and Personnel Committee beginning to whittle down the ideas.

Read more about the proposals in this Journal Sentinel article. Residents can comment on the proposals through the city's e-comment feature until one hour before the meeting begins.


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