Equipping Educators for Lasting Impact
Milwaukee Succeeds is ensuring that the city’s early educators have everything they need to thrive – not just in their classrooms but as leaders in their communities. In 2024, this support came in the form of trainings, which focused on two critical areas: equipping educators with the tools to improve their well-being and empowering them to act as advocates for lasting change.
Amplifying Voices: Highlights from Advocacy Session #4
On December 14, more than 80 early childhood educators and community members logged on to learn how to advocate for what matters most: their children, their profession and the future of ECE in Milwaukee. The day marked the fourth session of the ECE Advocacy Training Series, a program designed to equip participants with the skills and confidence needed to push for change in the ECE sector.
Building Momentum: Insights from Advocacy Session #3
The third session of our ECE Advocacy Training Series, held on November 9, brought together 86 community members and early childhood educators eager to deepen their understanding of advocacy and data storytelling. Guided by ECE ambassadors and Milwaukee Succeeds staff, participants explored ways to build impactful messages, using data to elevate their personal stories and drive meaningful change.
Driving Change Through Training: Advocacy Session #2
On Saturday, October 12, our Early Childhood Education (ECE) Advocacy Training Series continued with its second session, bringing together 48 passionate early educators and community members. The series aims to empower participants with the advocacy and community organizing skills necessary to drive change in Milwaukee - particularly when it comes to increasing investment in ECE.
Empowering the Community through Advocacy Trainings
Milwaukee Succeeds is helping parents and early educators turn their passion into action. On September 14, the organization launched its new Early Childhood Education Advocacy Training Series, a six-part course aimed at equipping educators and community members with the skills and knowledge needed to effectively advocate for change.
Expanding the Reach: Phase 2 of the Spanish Mental Health Trainings
Last year, three tenacious members of the MKE ECE Coalition banded together to create a series of mental health trainings specifically for Spanish-speaking providers. Following the clear success of the program, it was expanded to include a train-the-trainer model, broadening the scope to include even more educators.