Ambassadors Grow their Network at Zoo Event

The Milwaukee Succeeds Early Childhood Education (ECE) Ambassadors have been sharing the importance of ECE far and wide this spring. Their latest stop was the Milwaukee County Zoo, where they connected with families during the Birth to 3 Celebration on May 19. The event focused on the critical impact of early intervention for young children, and it drew over 140 families from across the area. It featured organizations dedicated to ECE and high-quality care, plus a number of family resource tables.
The eight ECE Ambassadors in attendance used the opportunity to spread the news about Milwaukee Succeeds’ ECE and high school work, including our ambassadorships. Attendees were able to learn about our priorities, along with the continued need for support in both areas.
At their booth, the ambassadors had plenty of handouts and resources to provide interested families with more information, as well as buttons, T-shirts, pens and the like to help them show their ECE pride.
The event also helped the ambassadors grow their contact list, with 50 new families signing up to be part of our ECE or high school success networks. These contacts will be part of an intentional engagement plan that is currently in development, led by input from community members on their needs and the supports they’d like to see. The hope is to design interactive workshops or trainings in the fall utilizing these outreach lists, which will cater to the community’s needs.
Does this sound up your alley? Sign up now to join our ECE or high school success list!