News & Press
Milwaukee Succeeds to Host Letter Writing Sessions in Support of ECE
As Wisconsin embarks on its 2025-27 budget cycle, early childhood education advocates across the city – and the state – are preparing to make their voices heard. In order to bolster these efforts, Milwaukee Succeeds is hosting a series of in-person letter writing sessions at ThriveOn King, providing educators, providers and community members with the opportunity to engage in hands-on advocacy.

Family Game Night Welcomes Community to ThriveOn King
On August 29, Milwaukee Succeeds and our Early Childhood Education Ambassadors hosted a Family Game Night at the new ThriveOn King community hub, welcoming 45 guests for an evening of games, arts and crafts, and refreshments. It was a fantastic opportunity for families to meet our Ambassadors and explore this exciting new space.

Gov. Evers, DCF Reveal Concerning Results of Child Care Survey
On September 16, Governor Tony Evers released a press release highlighting the findings of a recent DCF survey, which revealed a troubling shortage of staff in the state’s child care industry. According to the research, nearly 60% of child care providers have unused capacity, mainly due to staffing issues, leaving an estimated 33,000 children without access to care.

Tackling Child Care Challenges: How Milwaukee Succeeds is Making a Difference
More than 40% of mothers in Wisconsin report having to cut back on work hours, or quit their jobs entirely, due to the high cost of early childhood education. A local group called Milwaukee Succeeds is working to change that statistic.
This article was originally published in Spectrum News 1.

Compassion Resilience Training Starts Strong
On April 27, a group of 12 local caregivers embarked on a six-week learning journey designed to bolster their well-being. Facilitated by Quiana Words and ECE Ambassador Taffie Foster Toney, the NAMI Compassion Resilience Trainings will help parents and caregivers build strength and compassion, manage daily stresses and empower their kids to do the same!

New Report Shows Impact of ECE on WI Workforce
A new report by the Center on Wisconsin Strategy highlights the important connection between early childhood education and the state’s workforce. “The State of Working Wisconsin 2023” particularly points to ECE and the challenges of obtaining affordable care as contributors to the ongoing decline in women’s labor force participation.
ECE Ambassadors to Provide NAMI Trainings
Milwaukee Succeeds’ Early Childhood Education Ambassadors are tackling one of their toughest challenges yet: mental health. This April, they’ll begin facilitating the first round of NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness) trainings sessions geared toward ECE professionals and caregivers.

Ambassadors Promote Upcoming Projects at Betty Brinn
A cohort of ECE Ambassadors stopped by the Betty Brinn Children’s Museum on March 21 to spread the word about their upcoming projects and programming.
Celebrate Week of the Young Child 2024
In honor of Week of the Young Child, the Milwaukee Succeeds-led MKE ECE Coalition and its partners have planned a rich collection of events across the city, with resources and activities for the whole family.

Milwaukee Succeeds Welcomes New ECE Manager
On March 4, Milwaukee Succeeds welcomed its new early childhood education (ECE) manager, Yimma Davila Castro. As a longstanding community leader and ECE advocate, Yimma will help lead Milwaukee Succeeds in its efforts to advance high-quality, affordable ECE in Milwaukee.