‘Child care is essential’ - Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

Child care is an essential aspect of our society’s infrastructure.

This Journal Sentinel piece emphasizes the necessity of supporting the local child care system long-term. While doing so, it highlights the voices of our executive Director Danae Davis, Wisconsin Partnership Policy Director Daria Hall, and their work on behalf of local child care providers. A primary role played was coordinating sending out critical PPE:

"We were hearing stories of educators teaching all day, then on Amazon all night to get cleaning supplies and PPE," Hall said. "We knew that wasn't OK, so our funding partners said to them, 'You need bleach and masks? Great, here they are.'"

As expounded on in the article, Milwaukee Succeeds is one of many organizations seeking long-term investment from local, state, and federal government. Only through robust government support can we advance a system that supports every child in every community.


‘Seats at the Table’ -The Milwaukee Courier


Spotlight on Youth Forward MKE - Carvd N Stone