‘Conserving Childcare’ - MKE Lifestyle Magazine

After the start of the pandemic, some local childcare centers have received fiscal support from grant sources including our parent organization — the Greater Milwaukee Foundation. These funds were intended to help a struggling child care system stay afloat. Although the quick-rallying of resources and community action were life-saving for some facilities, the effort to financially support child care MUST be sustained long term. Policy Director Daria Hall agrees.

“We may be at a different stage of the pandemic, but there are still really profound needs in Milwaukee’s early education settings”

These include livable wages for care providers, health-compliant facilities, and training for staff to increase care quality.

Milwaukee Succeeds continues to advocate for the ECE community and has taken steps such as welcoming ECE professionals Ann Terrell and Terryl Wheelock onto our Leadership Team.

Read the full article here. (Scroll to the bottom).


‘Improving the lives of Black male students’ - MKE Neighborhood News Service


‘Seats at the Table’ -The Milwaukee Courier