ECE Coalition Organizes Local Partners Around Workforce Training
The Early Childhood Education (ECE) Coalition and several cross-sector partners are piloting a solution to the current recruitment challenges facing local child care providers: the ECE Workforce Project, powered by a $5 million Workforce Innovation Grant.

Milwaukee Succeeds Uses Data on Federal Funding to Drive Change
This spring, the ECE Coalition conducted a survey of all child care providers in the city, asking what impact Child Care Counts had on their programs – and what needs still remain. Now our Coalition is using their findings to advocate for continued investment in the industry.
Gov. Evers Awards $5M Grant for ECE Workforce Training
Wisconsin is on the hunt for innovative solutions to the workforce challenges brought about by COVID. One such solution is the groundbreaking Early Childhood Education Workforce Project, which was awarded a $5M Workforce Innovation Grant on June 29.

‘We Need This’: Child Care Counts Survey Reveals the Impact of Federal Funding
In order to assess what impact the federal Child Care Counts funding has had, Milwaukee’s ECE Coalition created a digital survey that went out to all providers in the city. The new data, which was published in a report titled “Making Every Dollar Count,” highlights the ongoing impacts of the funding, while underscoring the need for continued investment into the industry.

Celebrating Children’s Mental Health Awareness Week
May 1 marks the start of Children’s Mental Health Awareness Week. In celebration of this important week, Milwaukee Succeeds brought together experts from across industries to discuss the connection between high-quality ECE and children’s mental well-being and development.

Milwaukee’s Leaders Celebrate Early Childhood Education
Why is early childhood education (ECE) so important for Milwaukee? That was the question Milwaukee Succeeds posed to community and business leaders across the city in April in honor of NAEYC’s Week of the Young Child.