Anna Smerchek Transitions to ECE Community Engagement Manager
Anna Smerchek, middle, with two of the ECE Ambassadors.
In 2022, Anna Smerchek joined the Milwaukee Succeeds team as a community engagement fellow, bringing 15 years of experience working with the community and 20 years in early childhood education (ECE). After a year of tirelessly working to connect Milwaukee Succeeds with the larger community, this fall she transitioned to the newly created role of ECE community engagement manager.
One of the brightest parts of Anna’s tenure so far has been her coordination of the ECE Ambassadorship. Launched in February 2023, the paid ambassadorship provided a new way for the organization to engage with lived experience partners. 19 women joined the program to learn, network and advocate for change, each bringing their own experiences as parents, early educators and community advocates.
“This is a very unique ambassadorship,” said Anna, “and all of our ECE Ambassadors have risen to this challenge and brought us further than we ever imagined in regards to grassroots organizing and community power.”
With her guidance and support, the Ambassadors spoke up in support of ECE, connected with the community at various events and built a networking list of over 350 local champions. They’ve also provided targeted supports to local educators, which includes training Spanish-speaking providers on the Teaching Strategies GOLD system and Creative Curriculum.
“One of the things that really stood out to me is how innovative our ECE partners have been in utilizing our ECE Ambassadors to host in-person, hands-on ECE trainings centered on removing inequitable barriers – specifically language barriers,” said Anna.
In her new role, Anna will continue to provide oversight and leadership for the Ambassadors, with a focus on building community awareness around ECE policy, civic impact and advocacy skill-building. She’ll also be supporting community events, meetings and ECE trainings, as well as finding new ways to integrate community voice into Milwaukee Succeeds’ work. In the coming years, Anna is most excited to build a base of ECE leaders and continue inviting lived experience partners to the decision-making tables where they belong.
“We have so much more to do,” she said. “My hope is that we continue to invest in our lived experience partners in a direct effort to keep that needle moving forward because it truly takes a village!”