Milwaukee Succeeds hosts ECE Winterfest Bash

On Saturday, December 9, Milwaukee Succeeds and our ECE Ambassadors welcomed the community to our first-ever Winterfest Bash. Held at The Clybourn, the event was an opportunity to connect with the community, discover the topics that matter most to them and – most importantly – celebrate the season together.
Community Engagement Manager Anna Smerchek, along with her team of dedicated ECE Ambassadors, worked hard in the weeks leading up to the event to organize the festivities and invite their community connections in. Nearly 100 people showed up, with almost all of them coming from outside of the organization. Friends joined from partner sites like COA, Malaika, the Bay View Community Center, Yimma’s Bright Beginnings Daycare and Proveedoras Unidas. The celebration also drew new faces, leading to great connections and engaging conversations around ECE.
“This event was proof that our meaningful engagement and grassroots organizing this year has worked!” said Anna.
The event was chock full of holiday cheer, with a digital family photobooth led by Ambassador Briana, cookie decorating, and festive coloring and crafts, where families could engage with Executive Director Vincent Lyles. ECE Data Analyst Samantha Reynoso was on-hand to conduct individual community interviews with families and caregivers around Wisconsin Shares, an ongoing research project which the Ambassadors are helping to lead. The Ambassadors also used the opportunity to conduct their first Community Listening Session.
In addition to gathering feedback from the community about what ECE topics matter to them, the Ambassadors spoke out about the power of grassroots organizing and the vital importance of ECE advocacy. In the coming weeks and months, they’ll continue to seek out feedback from lived experience experts, both through listening sessions and 1-on-1 phone calls. The information they gather will help shape future community programming around ECE.
“We have big plans at ThriveOn (Milwaukee Succeeds’ future home) to design targeted programming around mental health supports, advocacy training, ECE data, accreditation supports and more,” said Anna.