ECE Ambassadors to Provide NAMI Trainings
An ECE Ambassador provides a Spanish-language training on Teaching Strategies GOLD.
Milwaukee Succeeds’ Early Childhood Education Ambassadors are tackling one of their toughest challenges yet: mental health. This April, they’ll begin facilitating the first round of NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness) trainings sessions geared toward ECE professionals and caregivers. The focus of these 2-hour sessions, which are spread out across 6 weeks, is compassion resilience - i.e. bolstering their ability to maintain their well-being in the face of daily challenges.
These sessions are being presented virtually in collaboration with Malaika Early Learning Center. Three ECE Ambassadors will be assisting in the presentation alongside Malaika’s family engagement specialist.
Four more ECE Ambassadors are on board to present NAMI trainings in English and Spanish at the Bay View Community Center. (Dates to be announced.) More community trainings will likely be held at ThriveOn King, which will house both Milwaukee Succeeds and Malaika’s new location. Other virtual trainings are also in development to ensure the widest possible reach for these important trainings. Stay tuned for more information.