News & Press

ECE Ambassadors Stop by Penfield’s Health & Safety Day
Our dedicated Early Childhood Education Ambassadors made their latest stop at Penfield Children's Center for their annual Health & Safety Day on July 11. The event was well-attended by ECE providers, employees and families, making it an excellent opportunity to connect with those most impacted by the ongoing struggles facing the sector.

Ambassadors Build Awareness at COA Resource Event
COA's Diaper and Community Resource Fair on July 9 was the latest stop for our Early Childhood Education (ECE) Ambassadors. This dedicated group of women has been spending the past few months connecting with community members and sharing the importance of high-quality, affordable child care.

Statement from Ellen Gilligan and Vincent Lyles on the Legislature’s Passage of a 2023-25 State Budget
We are deeply disappointed by the legislature’s decision to pass a 2023-25 state budget that doesn’t include state funding for the proven, effective Child Care Counts program. This decision will have profound and lasting consequences for Milwaukee’s youngest children, working families, and workforce.

ECE Ambassadors Attend COA Safe Summer Kick-Off
During COA’s Safe Summer Kickoff Event, our ECE Ambassadors connected with local families and provided valuable information on Wisconsin Shares, the ECE workforce and the power of organizing around ECE.

Dream Up! Grant will Support Milwaukee’s Spanish-Speaking Family Providers
Among the grantees for the most recent round of Dream Up grants were the Latino Entrepreneurial Network and the MKE ECE Coalition, who will be utilizing their grant to support Spanish-speaking family child care programs in the Proveedoras Unidas network.

Vincent Lyles Talks Child Care with the Wisconsin Policy Forum
On June 9, Milwaukee Succeeds' Executive Director Vincent Lyles joined the Wisconsin Policy Forum for an in-depth discussion on the state of early childhood education. The virtual event was the latest installment in the ongoing Forum Friday series, in which the Policy Forum invites notable guests to share their expertise on a timely research topic.

Ambassadors Grow their Network at Zoo Event
The Milwaukee Succeeds Early Childhood Education (ECE) Ambassadors have been sharing the importance of ECE far and wide this spring. Their latest stop was the Milwaukee County Zoo, where they connected with families during the Birth to 3 Celebration on May 19.

ECE Ambassadors Learn & Lend their Expertise During 4C Event
On March 15, seven ECE Ambassadors attended a 4C listening session to dive deeper into the developments taking place inside the child care sector. They also had the chance to provide input on how 4C can better identify and connect with the centers that need their assistance.

First Round of Early Educator Stipends Awarded
On February 10, WECA distributed the first round of stipends through the Early Educator Wage Stipend Program, benefiting over 1,900 educators in Milwaukee. The goal of the program is to bolster the sector and increase retention within the struggling industry.

Gov. Evers Announces Proposal to Invest in ECE
During his State of the State address on January 24, Gov. Evers unveiled his plan to increase support for the state's ECE sector through the 2023-25 state budget. The proposal includes the budget asks of both the Milwaukee Succeeds-led ECE Coalition and the statewide Raising Wisconsin Coalition.